Engineer Plus - LIBRARY
2a – Waterproofing Application Services (PDF)
2b – Power of Partnership for Working Partner (PDF)
2c – Waterproofing Standard Application Manual (PDF)
2d – Material Consumption Chart for 1000 + Sqft (PDF)
2e – Waterproofing Rate Card for Material and Application (PDF) (Ver 4 Dated 1-11-2023)
2f – Labor Charges for Application to be paid to Working Partner (PDF)
2g – Material Packing Chart (PDF)
3a – Paint Catalog and Shade Card (PDF)
3b – Paint & Coatings Price List (PDF)
Discount allowed on all paint and coatings as as follows.
- 25% to All
- 30% – 35% to Dealers / Working Partners / Institutional Clients
- 40% to Distributors

All the sales agents appointed for different areas / region / city / district / etc. have to do sales understanding the customer need to create the sale more better rather than just focusing on selling the product. We give an opportunity to every agent to create their importance against the customer and also among the team in our organization. There are rewards for every agent defined for the achievements they have gained in their respective region. Below are few rules and regulations mentioned for every agent who would like to participate or support the growth of the company. Kindly go through the terms before you proceed with the sale.
Sales is the most important division of the company and so the team. Sales Agents are the identity of the brand that can drive throughout the path leading to success.
Product Inquiry
Application Inquiry
Working Partner Inquiry
Completed Project Report

Rules for Business Development Team
Every people appointed across India on the payroll of the company for selling products or services have to follow the rules mentioned below.
STEP 1: As you receive any lead, you have to log in the lead by filling the form to create the client number / site no. / project number.
STEP 2: Once the client no. / site no. / project number is generated, you will receive the lead file with the number in PDF format from customer service center.
STEP 3: As per the requirement of client and nature of work, you can do site visit or call for photo or video of site / location / requirement of the work to b done.
STEP 4: You need to explain the client about the Engineer Plus Solutions which ever is suitable to them in details with photos and videos from our youtube channel. Also you need to discuss the rate with the client before sending the quotation.
STEP 5 : You need to fill the Site Visit Form with all the details of work to be done and the rate quoted to client and then send to Customer Service desk for generating quotation. No Quotation will be made without this site visit form.
STEP 6 : After you send the site visit form to customer service desk, then customer service desk will send the quotation to client directly.
STEP 7 : After sending the quotation you need to follow up with the client for the advance payment as per the procedure of company. Proforma Invoice can also be generated for client as per requirement.
STEP 8 : After you receive the advance, You need to get the Work Order / Mail Confirmation from the client to start the work
STEP 9: Now you can allocate the work to working partner and start the work of cleaning and surface preparation.
STEP 10 : Once the advance and work order / mail confirmation is received in which client have to mention that they have read the terms mentioned in Quotation or Proforma Invoice and they agree to the same, then Goods will be dispatched to the client location with minimum 4 working days from the date of advance received.
STEP 11: Balance payment shall be received before the final completion of the work or within 7 working days in case of written order with payment terms in writing.
STEP 12: Any extra work to be carried out have to be taken in writing in mail / document signed from client before starting the work to be done along with payment for the same to be made. Without written order there will not be any extra work carried out.
General Terms for All.
- Every person will be given specific area / region / district / state / etc for development of business.
- Every person will be solely responsible for the business and coordination for their respective area.
- Every person have to support the on ground team with their backend support as required.
- Every person have to support the client as an when required and build a relationship for getting goodwill of the brand Engineer Plus.
- Every person have to follow regular routine while they are on the job.
- Every person have to also focus on recruiting Working partners (Applicators) in their respective region through the leads received from online advertising / PR with existing working partners / PR with city managers / Independent search from google / etc.
- Every person needs to handle the lead generated from Online Portal / Social media ads / etc. and try to get it converted as per the system and pricing of the company.
- Every agent is eligible for monetary rewards as specified with them by their respective senior during the time of recruitment.
STAGE 1 – On Confirmation of the work to be done
- Calling the customer and thanking them for choosing Engineer Plus. And also updating them about the online warranty process in which you will guide them after the project completion. Also telling them that they can call you any time for any kind of help needed during the project.
STAGE 2 – Warranty Assistance
- After the completion of the job, call the customer and assist them for filling up the Warranty certificate online form.
STAGE 3 – Goodwill Generation
- Call the customer after they have received the warranty certificate in Email and get the confirmation. Also once again thank them for choosing Engineer Plus and ask them for any more leads they can provide with their personal reference.
- Introduce our company / products and services to civil contractors / painters / etc. to become our working partners.
- Fill in the Applicator inquiry form with their details.
- Call them again after they have seen the credentials of our company and then ask them about their willingness to join the team as working partner.
- Once they reply yes, then share the appointment letter to them and ask them to fill sign and stamp and send it back to you as confirmation.
- Once you receive the appointment letter then mail the letter on maharashtra@engineerplus.in with the subject line as (Time Stamp from the Excel Sheet online) and also update in the last column about the status of their appointment letter.
- Once you update the status then (Customer Service Desk will issue their CODE NUMBER ) and share it with the working partner.
- Working partner can use this code number during every communication.

Rewards & Recognitions
Coming Soon….