
Engineer Plus Elastoproof

Original price was: ₹9,100.00.Current price is: ₹9,000.00.

An acrylic co-polymer emulsion, used to form on-site seamless, cross-linked elastometric membrane on the concrete. The polymer composition ensures excellent UV stability, high strength and elongation of up to 250%.

Physical Data :

  • Colour: Milky White
  • PH: 9-10
  • Solubility : Water Soluble
  • Total Solid : 42 % +2 %
  • Solubility after drying : fully stable.

Download Technical Data Sheet



Multiple Advantages

  1. Stretchable membrane for leakage proofing of concrete surfaces
  2. Excellent UV stability
  3. High bonding strength
  4. Water-resistant
  5. Up to 600% elongation